Currency Settings

Learn how to set your group and personal budgets in different currencies and enjoy the possibilities this can bring.

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

You may live in the UK and want to set your group budget in Sterling Pounds, or in any other EU country and want to set it in Euros.  You may prefer dollars instead, but have employees in other parts of the world who would prefer to set their accounts in Pounds or Euros. Whatever the case may be, we're happy to say that you can manage your Sunlight in the currency of your preference.

Changing currencies for your account

To set your personal account in a different currency all you have to do is go to your Profile, and on the "Settings" tab, scroll down to the Currency Settings section.  You can select the currency of your preference with the drop down menu and save the changes when you are done.  Currently, our three options are: Euros, British Pounds, and US Dollars. 

Changing currencies for your group

To set your group budget in a different currency, you need to go to your General group settings and then scroll down to the Currency Settings section.

From there you can select the currency of your preference, the options currently being Euros, British Pounds, and US Dollars. Don't forget to save when you are done, so all the changes are reflected on your account. 

What if I already have a budget in place?

If you already have some Sunlight available, or budget assigned for your group members, our platform will change it automatically to the market rate at the time you make the changes.

With our multi-currency settings, you are able to change the group's budget without affecting the personal wallets of your employees.  This means that if they desire to manage their account in a different currency, they will be able to do so. 

Have any questions or comments?

Please don't hesitate to contact us through our Concierge or by emailing us at

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