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Our Analytics Dashboard

Get to know our new analytics dashboard that shows you all you need to know about how your employees are using Sunlight.

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

Since Sunlight is a platform that many users of your company can use to make several orders, we understand how important it is to have a place where you can see the type of orders and resources your employees are requesting and how they are spending their budget throughout different periods of time.

Because of this, we have revamped our Analytics Dashboard to provide you with even more detailed information about the spending habits, type of resources, and areas of interest that your employees are acquiring.

To start with, go to your company’s profile page and click the Analytics button on the sidebar located on the left of your screen.

What will you see?

In this area, you’ll see data related to your company members, learning preferences, and expenses in the form of graphs, pie charts, percentages, and other values.

At the top of your screen, you’ll see the following tabs:

  • Learning: it contains a breakdown of top resources acquired, the status of the company orders, details about the resources being acquired, active users, active learners, and charts that show specific information about the orders being purchased by your users.

  • Finances: it contains another look at your billing information, such as available balance, locked funds, expenses, and total purchases. Additionally, in this section, you will find more charts and graphs showing even more details about your expenses using different metrics such as monthly expenses, yearly expenses, individual user expenses, and daily order transactions, among others.

  • People: Here, you will see what some of the top users of your company are acquiring as the graphs rank them by top purchasers, top budget spenders, number of requests approved, order status, and even reports on first-time users.

  • Activity: finally, this area will let you see detailed user activity data. From reports of login activity and reports of new learners on different time periods you can select, this section’s graphs and charts are useful for tracking user activity.

Filtering your data

In all of the previously mentioned tabs, you will also be able to use a variety of filters to cater the information to the data you need.

These will let you edit different parameters, such as cohorts, specific periods, type of resources, area of learning, category, and the orders' status and relative dates.

Also, you can reset the filters you choose at any moment by clicking on the three dots at the top of each filter.

A few extra perks…

Additionally, we have some extra features for every graph. For example, by clicking on the charts, you will be able to see a small menu that lists different options: the first one is whether to display that menu or not, the second one is to enlarge the charts, and the third one is to download the data as a CSV.

Finally, just click on the arrows located on the top left of the analytics screen to undo or redo the parameters or reset all the shown data.

To answer a few questions you might have:

Who will be able to see the dashboard?

For the time being, the only people who have access to this dashboard are the ones who are assigned as “Company admins” in your company group.

Which data will show in the CSVs I download?

It’s essential to consider that when you go to a graph and download a CSV, you’ll only see the data included in that graph.

How can I filter the dashboard so that it only shows the data for a certain period of time?

First, you need to go to the Date filter and select a time range Relative to years, quarters, weeks, etc.

Then, you can select if you want to see the previous, current, time to date, last, or next.

For example, if you wish to see the data from the beginning of the current year to the beginning of next year, simply click “This Year”.

You can also see data from the beginning of the year to the current date if you click on “Year to date”.

If you wish to see last year's data, click “Previous year”.

That being said, let’s say you want only to see the data of a specific time period, which isn’t the current or the previous year; how can we do that? You can choose a start date and an end date with the calendars in “Date Range”.

Now, deeply dive into your company's analytics dashboard to explore how your team is leveraging the platform. Let's dive in!

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