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All About Managers on Sunlight

Learn what it means to be a manager on Sunlight

Chelsea Ordoñez avatar
Written by Chelsea Ordoñez
Updated over a week ago

We all know what the word “Manager” means; however, when you are introduced to an awesome platform like Sunlight, what does it refer to? What do managers do? Here we explain everything you need to know.

What is a manager?

A manager is a member of a company who can approve or decline requests made by users on their management line.

How can someone be set as a manager?

To set this, a cohort of type “Manager” would need to be created, then the user that has been chosen to be the manager needs to be added and given permission to approve requests. To learn how this can be done, please visit our article “Setting Up Your Cohorts.”

How Can Orders Be Approved?

You were assigned as a manager so, how do you approve requests?

Via email

You’ll receive an email telling you that there’s a request that needs to be approved. When you read it, click on the link that opens the request and once you are there, click on the green “Approve” button.

Via Sunlight

Go to your company’s profile, click on the “Requests” tab and view the requests of the members of your cohort (if you are part of more than one cohort you can add a filter). From here, you can scroll to the right and click on the green “Approve” button.

Please note that if you’re a manager, when you go to your company’s profile, you’ll only be able to see the “Activity”, “Requests” and “Playlists” tabs by default. However, if your company admin has granted you other types of permissions, such as: access to billing, to reports or to cohorts, these tabs will appear on your company’s profile as well for easy access.

Another way of approving requests on our platform is through the notifications. When a request needs to be approved, you should receive a message asking you to approve. To see it, click on the world icon that’s on the sidebar, our “Notifications” button, and click on the “View” button to see more details about the request or click directly on the green “Approve” button.

Via Slack

If your company has our integration with Slack, you'll receive notifications directly on that app. To approve, click on the link of the request and approve it from there or click on the green button that shows on the Slack notification and that reads “Approve Request”

How do approvals work with managers, company admins and/or team admins?

When it comes to the line of approval in a company that has managers, company admins and/or team admins, managers will always be the ones receiving the notification to approve requests.

In the case of company admins, they'll still have permission to do this with the difference of being able to approve the requests of all members of their company; however, they will not receive any notifications.

In the case of team admins, the notifications to approve requests will go directly to the manager, instead of the team admin.

What else can a manager do?

Besides approving requests, a manager can check what the members of their cohort have been purchasing or sharing on Sunlight. To see this, you would need to go to your company’s profile, click on the “Activity” tab and add a filter to show the results you want.

As you can see, being a manager is really important because you are opening the possibilities of learning to your employees with a task that could not get any easier.

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