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Setting Up Your Cohorts

Learn how to set up your Cohorts so they reflect your company's structure as closely as possible.

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

To access your cohort settings, please visit your Company’s profile by clicking on your company’s icon on the left-side menu, and then locate the tab labeled "Cohorts" under your settings.

Once you get on your cohort’s page, you will be able to see your already existing cohorts, and to create new ones. Please bear in mind that the Cohorts section will only be available if you are a company admin or if you were given special permissions by your group admin to manage Cohorts.

Adding a New Cohort

1. To add a new cohort, click on the green button labeled "+ Add a new cohort" on the right side of the search bar.

2. Type in the name of your cohort; for example, "Engineering". Then select a Cohort Type from the list below. Cohort Types should reflect your company structure, so you are free to personalize them as you wish. To create a new Cohort Type, simply type it in the space signaled below and select it once you're done.

Cohorts type managers are the only ones with a different configuration and permission settings. To see the difference between a Cohort type manager and any other kind of cohort, please visit our article “All about cohorts”.

3. Finally, finish the process by clicking the “Save” button.

Adding and Removing Members to your Cohorts

1. Click on a cohort and select the Members tab

2. Start typing names of the members of your Company

3. Tick their names to automatically add them to the Cohort. If they are already in your cohort, just click on the green box to remove them.

Another way of adding and removing members to a cohort is by going to the user management modal from the member’s list. There, you’ll find an option to add that specific user to any cohort you would like to. In this same modal you’ll find an option to remove the user form the cohort they already belong to.

Setting Up Permissions for your Cohorts type Manager

1. Click on a cohort and select the Permissions tab

2. Assign a manager among the users already included in the cohort

This will grant the manager permission to approve requests but they cannot manage the cohort in any other way. This manager cannot be changed once assigned, and this cohort cannot have multiple managers. If you want to learn more information about this permission, please visit our article “All about cohorts” and “All about managers”.

Setting Up Permissions for your Cohort type team or any other type.

1. Click on a cohort and click on the Permissions tab

2. You can grant two types of permissions:

Permission to approve orders: The user will be able to approve orders placed by other members of the Cohort.

Permission to manage members: The user will be able to add and remove users within the Cohort.

3. Simply type in the name or email of the person you'd like to grant special permissions to. Then click on their names so they appear under the corresponding permission.

Setting Up Slack Channels for your Cohorts

1. Click on a cohort and click on the Slack setup tab

2. You must have our Slack integration already in place. If so, you should see a list of your Slack channels available. Simply select the one where you'd like to receive notifications about activity of this Cohort's members.

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