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Your Profile Settings

Learn everything about the settings of your account!

Chelsea Ordoñez avatar
Written by Chelsea Ordoñez
Updated over a week ago

“I’ve been invited to Sunlight, now what? Is there a place where I can find all my basic information? Where can I change my name? My email?” These may be some of the questions you are asking yourself and the answers are found in your profile. But first, how do I get there?

All you need to do is go to the sidebar and click on your profile image at the top left corner to open your account menu. When it pops up, click on “Your profile.” When you’re there, scroll down and you’ll find the section called “Settings.”

One in here, you’ll find:


This is where you’ll be able to add or edit your information. It’s divided in the following:

  • About you: all your basic information is contained here (full name, email address, language, short bio, profile image and banner image).

  • Main address: your address and phone number are here. The first one is optional but, in the case of your number, you’re required to add it and update it; this is to comply with 3D regulations. Learn more about this regulation in our article “About 3D Secure

  • Spending & currency: this is where you can change the currency that you’ll use when creating requests on Sunlight. For example: if your company has GBP as their currency but, you’re located in the US, you can change to USD so that your budget is shown in this currency.

  • Change your password: do you want to create a new password? This is the place to do it. Simply add your current password, create a new one, repeat it and save it.

To learn about how to change your personal details included in this section, feel free to read our article “Changing Your Personal Details.”


Next, we have the “Notifications” tab, which concerns all the notifications and emails we send you. You can enable or disable notifications for requests you could approve, notifications of new Sunlight sessions and balance reminders.

Skillsets & Interests

After, we have the “Skillsets & Interests” tab. Here’s where you can add and see the subjects and roles you’re interested in or that others want you to learn, more specifically, you’ll see the following:

  • Your skillsets: this is related to the role you have in your company and your company admin is the one who assigns it on our platform. Sunlight will use what’s added here to recommend related resources that other people have purchased or enjoyed.

  • Your interests: you may be interested in learning more about your role or more about a different subject. This is the place to type all the topics and skills you’d like to learn.

  • What others want you to learn: here’s where you can find the skills that other people in your company would like you to learn.


When you sign in to Sunlight, you can do it by entering your email and password or through the SSO of your company. However, you also have the option to sign in with your Google or LinkedIn account. To have your account linked with Sunlight, just go to this tab and click on “Connect an account”. Please make sure that the email associated with that account is the one with which you were added to your company on our platform.


It may happen that you logged in to Sunlight from your work computer and then, you decided to log in from your personal computer at home. What do you do with all the open sessions you have? Well, you go to “Sessions” and if you want to close any, just click on “Kill session.”

Editing your settings will ensure a personalized experience on Sunlight. What do you need to do next? Start learning!

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