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Getting Started on Sunlight

Set your company up on Sunlight with this easy to follow, step by step guide.

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

Onboarding your employees into any new system can often be a tedious task not many look forward to. For this reason, we are here to help with all the information you might need to get you started on Sunlight.

1. Create a personal account

To begin onboarding your company, you first need to open your personal account, which you can do by clicking here.

2. Create your company account

Once your personal account is set, you can create a new company directly from our sidebar. All you need to do is click on the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the sidebar called “New Company”, write the name of your company, then select the currency your company will operate in, and click on the green button, “Create company.”

3. Invite your employees

You’ll need a list of your employees with their email addresses, so you can add them swiftly as soon as you are ready.

Add and invite members manually

Open your company’s profile and go to the “Members” tab, under the “Settings” section of the sidebar. Click on “Add new,” write the person's email address and click on “Add.” Once you have added everyone you would like to invite, click on “Add users.” An invitation will be sent to their emails, and they’ll be immediately added to the company on Sunlight so you can start adding in more information to personalize their experience.

Mass import via a .csv file

This is a feature available by request only. Simply get in touch with our support team and we’ll provide you with a template you’ll need to fill in order for us to import your users via .csv file.

4. Set their learning budgets

Once you have people inside of your group, the most important thing is to give them a Sunlight budget. To do this, simply click on a member's profile picture to display the user's settings, and type in the amount you wish to allocate on the upper section “Budget.”

The budget is the limit the user has available to spend. Take into account that this is not actual money that you’re putting on people’s wallets, think of it more like if you’re setting a limit on how much they can spend, you can renew or modify this budget at any given time. Each time a user creates a request and it’s approved, the amount they spent will be reduced from their current budget, and the actual funds used to pay for resources will be taken directly from your company’s wallet or card.

5. Select your payment method

You have added your team's learning budget and now you need to activate it. There are two ways of doing it:

Company Wallet

Upfront payment with your Company Wallet. To go with the Company Wallet, just click on “Top up via credit card” or “Top up via bank transfer,” and follow the instructions to top up the wallet.

Company Card

If you ever run out of funds from your company wallet, you have the option to connect a credit card and pay on the go. Go to your billing section and connect the card you choose for your Sunlight transactions.

6. Congrats!

That’s it! You have covered all the basics and are now 100% ready to use Sunlight. Keep reading below for any additional things you might want to set up, such as Integrations, Skill Sets, Playlists and more.

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👍 Use Slack? Set up that integration.

Something that might help you when requests start flowing is our Slack Integration, which enables notifications to the Slack channel of your preference and keeps you up to date on your team's Sunlight activities.

📣 Communicate what Sunlight is to your team.

When everything is set up, the next thing you might want to do is let your team know about Sunlight and how it works within your company. You may have internal rules in place on how they should spend their personal allowance, or simply want to let them know that they have free rein over their learning budget. Whatever the case, we offer you a template of an Internal Communications Email, with which you'll be able to inform them about our platform. Furthermore, they’ll want to know how to get on spending their Sunlight, and this short article is ideal to give them a general overview of the platform.

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