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Your Spending Controls

Set up your spending controls (or lack thereof) in just a few clicks and make sure everyone enjoys their Sunlight responsibly :)

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

As an admin, we're sure that you wish to encourage your employees to take over the reins of their own professional development. However, you might still want to have some degree of oversight to make sure your company funds are used reasonably and responsibly. That's why we have spending controls at your disposal. :)

In this sense, we have three main spending control tools to help you make sure that your Sunlight experience truly aligns with your company policies:

  • Request approval: Users designated as managers or as admins will receive notifications to approve requests from users within their report line.

  • Mandatory Invoice Upload: Users will be required to upload invoices corresponding to each of their purchases in order to continue making requests.

  • Ad-Hoc Budgets: Users do not have a set amount of budget. Managers or admins will have to approve each purchase.

Let’s take a deeper look at them:

Request approvals

To start, you get to decide whether you want to have any approval conditions at all. By default, all your employees will require approval for all their requests: however, if you want your employees to have full freedom in terms of using their budget on Sunlight, you can disable the admin approval requirement.

To do this, simply go to your Company’s profile by clicking on your company’s icon on the left-side menu, then go to Settings > General. Scroll down to find the option under the "Spending & currency" section, and make sure the setting is turned off as seen below:

Approval Threshold

Setting an approval threshold means that any order that costs less than what you've established as your approval threshold will bypass the admin approval and a card will be generated automatically for your employee to use. You can change the approval threshold to whatever amount you wish; for example you can set it at $50, in that case, requests that cost up to $49.99 will be approved automatically.

It's not necessary to set an approval threshold, and this depends entirely on your internal policies and whatever you feel comfortable with allowing.

To set this, you have to make sure to enable the option “Require admin approval for all requests”, then you'll see the threshold option, like this:

Mandatory Invoices

When you enable this feature, it’s compulsory for users to upload invoices for any requests they've completed. If the user has any requests at all which do not have an invoice uploaded, they’ll not be able to make new requests until they've uploaded the missing ones.

To make this easier and avoid confusion, your users can always find their requests with missing invoices on their profiles. To learn more about this, please visit our article on how to "Upload Your Invoice to Your Completed Request."

The setting should look like this:

Ad-Hoc budgets

If you choose this option, your employees will have the freedom to request any learning resource they wish, with no budget limitations. In this case, all requests will require admin approval. You'll find the option under the "Spending & currency" section of your company General settings:

If you want to learn more about this setting, please visit our article "Ad-Hoc functionality."

All of these settings are optional and you can decide which options are better for your company. You can also choose to work with two or more of them at the same time, for example, you can enable requests approval and mandatory invoice upload all together, or no approval but mandatory invoice upload to have some control on your employee's expenses.

At the end, we just want to make sure that your employees use their Sunlight to hone their skills and acquire new ones.

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