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Pending, Paying and Completed Requests

I want to find the requests of my company, where do I go?

Chelsea Ordoñez avatar
Written by Chelsea Ordoñez
Updated over a week ago

If you want to check out those requests that need approval or if you want to check those that were completed, all you need to do is go to the “Requests” tab of your company:

In here, you’ll find your requests divided into three categories: pending, paying requests, and completed.


If your company has admin approval, this is the place to find those requests waiting to be approved. You can go ahead and scroll to the left to click on the green “Approve” button or you can click on the request to see the order details and approve it from there.

Paying Requests

After a request is approved or if a request is created automatically (for those companies that do not have admin approval), a card is generated for the employee to use on the provider’s website. If the card has not been used yet, the status of the request will still be “Payment method issued” and the request will be found in the “Paying Requests” tab.


Upon using the card, the request will be completed and when this happens, it’ll move to the “Completed” tab.

Search and filter your requests

As you might have already noticed, above the list of requests and in all of the categories explained previously, there’s a search box that will help you find that specific order you want to check out.

In addition, you can filter your requests by cohorts. If you’re a company admin, you can choose from all the cohorts of your company; however, if you’re a manager, you’ll only be able to choose from the cohorts you belong to.

To answer some questions you may have:

Who can see this tab?

Company admins are able to access this tab and see all the requests made by all members of their company.

In the case of managers and users who have the permission to approve requests, they’re also able to access this tab; however, they’ll only see the requests that belong to the cohort in which they’re managers or approvers.

What happens with cancelled or refunded requests?

In the case of cancelled or refunded requests, these will show in the Billing section of your company’s profile. To learn about this tab, please check out our article “Billing Overview.”

Where can I gain more details about the requests?

You can find more details about your employees’ requests over on the Billing section, more specifically, on the “Requests” tab. If you export the information in CSV, the document will contain all the transactions of a request. To see this in more detail, please read our article “Tracking your employees' expenses.”

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