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Members’ Tab Overview

Where can I add/remove members? Can I check the users' transactions? Where can I assign someone as an admin? Find these answers here!

Chelsea Ordoñez avatar
Written by Chelsea Ordoñez
Updated over a week ago

The “Members” tab is a very useful section in which you can manage all the members of your company. To go to this tab, you need to go first to your company’s profile: simply click on the logo of your company that’s on the left-side menu then, scroll down to the settings of your company and click on “Members.”

Here’s what you’ll discover and will be able to do:

Check every member’s basic information

Once you’re in this tab, you’ll find a list of the members of your company and their basic information divided into several columns: name, budget, last seen (connected on Sunlight), number of orders, location and a “Go to transactions” button that we’ll explain shortly.

If you want to check out a specific member, you can simply go ahead and type their name or email in the search box that’s above the list.

Filter the results of the list

If instead of searching for a specific user, you wish to check the members that are part of a specific cohort. You can do so by clicking on “Add a filter” and choosing the cohort you’re interested in.

Have access to a user’s transactions

As mentioned above, there’s a button named “Go to transactions”, if you click here, you’ll be directed to a new page in which you’ll see the transactions associated with that user’s budget.

You’ll find budget additions and/or reductions, payments for when a request was created automatically or approved, refunds for cancelled requests, etc. The date range of this information depends on you as you can modify it as you wish if you want to gain more details about the transactions.

From this page you’ll also be able to export these transactions as a CSV, just click on the green button with the arrow pointing down and you’ll receive an email with a temporary link to download the document.

Additionally, if you wish to see the transactions of another user, you can do so on this same page. You only have to type the name of the other user on the box that’s on the left side of the search field.

Add or remove users

Right next to the filter button, you’ll find other two that are very important: the “Actions” and the “Add new” buttons.

On the one hand, as you might have guessed, the “Add new” green button is the one you can click to add more members to your company. On the other hand, the “Actions” button is used for removing members. In order to do this, please check our article “Adding and Removing Members on Sunlight.”

Export the list of members

Right next to the “Add new” button, there’s a green button with an arrow. If you click here, you’ll be able to export the current list of members of your company.

The document will be sent to your email with a temporary link which will download a CSV that contains more detailed information about each member: user ID, their name, email and budget, the last time they were on the platform, their number of orders and address, if they’re admins or not, if they’re managers or not, the cohorts they belong to and when were their accounts created.

Have access to the User Management Modal

The User Management Modal is the place in which you’ll be able to see and/or edit the budget, the skillsets & skills and the permissions of a user. In addition, you’ll also see what cohorts they belong to and you'll be able to visit their profile or remove them from the company.

To learn more about the types of permissions you can enable or disable for a user, please visit our article “Permissions and How They Work.”

To answer a few questions you might have:

Who can manage the “Members” tab?

Only company admins are allowed to manage this tab. In order for a user to gain this permission, they’d have to be assigned as company admins.

In the case of managers and team admins, they'd only have access, in the company’s profile. to the activity, requests and playlists of their cohort.

Can I export the transactions of all the members of the company?

For sure! However, to do this you’d have to go to another tab of your company’s profile: “Transactions”. When you go here, you’ll notice that no users are selected and that on the right side, there’s a button that reads “Export for all”. Click here and you’ll receive the corresponding email with the link to download the CSV with all the transactions of all the members of your company.

Nonetheless, if you wish to check one particular user, you can do this on this tab as well. You just need to go to the left of the search box, click on “Choose a user” and type the name of the user.

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