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Keep your Direct Reports Closer with Sunlight Playlists

Learn how to use Playlists with your teammates!

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

What are playlists?

Playlists are lists of resources that you can create to organize and personalize your Sunlight account however you like.

Why playlists?

Sunlight playlists can serve as a one-on-one learning environment for you and your direct report. Think of it as a DM chain in your favorite social network, but instead of sharing funny memes, you’ll be able to share learning resources with the person. This is a way of showing them you’re invested in their learning, without needing to spend a lot of time arranging everything. And best of all? Just like DMs, the exchange will be kept completely private between you and your direct report.

So, how do I set things up?

1. First, you would need to create a playlist that will be shared only with your direct report. To do this, click on the "Playlists" button (8th button in our side menu), then click on "New Playlist".

2. Let's say you label the playlist “Building up Chelsea’s Leadership Skills”, just enter the name and click on "Create playlist". For this kind of playlist you might want to keep it private.

3. Visit the “Members” section within the playlist and click on “Add new”.

4. Start typing the name or email address of your direct report, in this case Chelsea’s, and select her from the list.

5. Change her permissions to “can read”, which means she’ll be able to comment but not add or delete any learning resources to the playlist. These are your recommendations to her after all, right? But if you want, you can set her permissions to “can write”, so she can edit the playlist as she wants :)

6. Visit the “Settings” tab within the playlist and make sure the “Make this playlist public” option is turned off. This will ensure your activity will be kept private.

7. Finally, start adding resources on leadership. You can leave a comment on each one for Chelsea to know what to expect or why you think she should attend that course or read that book.

Need more information?

If you want to learn more about creating and sharing playlists please visit our article “Our Playlists”.

To read about other features such as liking, commenting or adding resources to playlists, then click on our article “Interacting with Playlists”.

Finally, if you are a team or company admin and need more ideas on how to take the most out of playlists, please click on “Sunlight Playlists for Collaborative Learning” and “Playlists for EGR”.

Have any questions or comments?

Please do not hesitate to contact our support team via our live chat or by emailing us at

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